
The Crazy Girls Guide to....SQUIRREL! Ahem...The Crazy Girls Guide to Staying Sane. Yeah, that's it.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Persephone Almost Forgot to Post

Things are still not a-ok in my brain.  I spent the entire weekend arguing with myself and losing.  I almost even forgot about posting, but at the last minute while updating my routine tracking spreadsheet (or my visual failure chart) I remembered it was Sunday and I needed to post.

Here is one thing most people will be surprised about - I am on day 2 of no caffeine.  All I want in the world right now is a hug and a Dr. Pepper, but I know that cutting it out of my life is for the best.

The last time I went off caffeine it took strep throat and several days in bed, but I've spent this whole year cutting down until I went from 6 caffeinated drinks per day to 1 or 2 at the most.

I also stayed off of it for 2.5 years.  One iced coffe was my downfall.

This attempt was actually not intentional, I realized yesterday afternoon when I got the caffeine withdrawal headache from doom that I hadn't had any, but it was too late in the day to fix that and still sleep, so I went cold turkey from there.

I've spent most of today in various states of withdrawal, but mostly my head just pounds.

On that note, I don't want to look at a screen anymore.

Also, I hate x-mas, so look to Abby for the holiday love.


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