
The Crazy Girls Guide to....SQUIRREL! Ahem...The Crazy Girls Guide to Staying Sane. Yeah, that's it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Abby is about to share something she didn't plan to talk about

Things don't often go as planned.  I've got to remind myself of that and be less hard on myself when plans go awry.

I didn't post last night because I was helping a friend deal with some things, and then I forgot it was Tuesday. It happens.  Well, at least it happens to me.

I'm not posting about routines or morning soundtracks or listing chores this evening because I am dealing with an alcoholic husband who has relapsed.  This wasn't ever going to be a blog topic, but it is a major part of my life.  My experience, strength, and hope might help someone else out there.  Yep, I'm in Al-Anon, if anyone recognizes that bit of program talk right there.  I'm sure I'll actually have something helpful to say about it once a few days have passed.

I ask you to pray to whatever you believe in that this is a small relapse and he gets back on track very soon.


  1. I so hope that you and your husband are feeling better.
    I am also an AlaNon , I have bipolar, and I have two teen sons , one with bipolar and the other with ADD. We will survive and thrive!

  2. We are better today. Thank you for your kind words and support.
    Wow, I have enough trouble just keeping myself together some days. The challenges you face must make you a very strong person.

