
The Crazy Girls Guide to....SQUIRREL! Ahem...The Crazy Girls Guide to Staying Sane. Yeah, that's it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Someday, Abby, you will actually DO this routine thing.

I timed my morning routine on Tuesday, and it went like this:
Shower and medicine- 15 minutes
Morning ablutions - 7 minutes
Get dressed - 8 minutes
Breakfast - in the car on the way to the therapist...and my husband made it for me.  I got there EARLY!

I totally cheated on breakfast, but the rest took me a half hour.  I was blown away.  You see, normally I get up an hour before work, and I'm 5-10 minutes late just about every day.  On occasion I get up an hour and a half before work, I'm right on time, and I actually get to eat breakfast.  "What the heck is going on?" asks me.
Experiment time!

This morning I got up at 7:30 AM when I had to be at work by 8:30 AM.  Plenty of time, since once again my lovely husband made me breakfast.  You can be jealous, it's alright. ;)  I was 10 minutes late.  How, you ask?  I shall tell you.

I hadn't done my evening routine.  I had decided in my brain what to wear to work, but hadn't set it out.  It took me at least an extra 15 minutes just to find socks that matched.  (Don't ask.)  My purse and work tote weren't near the bedroom door, so I lost 5 minutes hunting them down.  That's 20 minutes.  It takes 10 minutes to get to work.  Traffic sucked.  There went all my extra time.

Lesson learned:  evening routine = timely arrival in the morning.

On that note, I am going to get some sleep.  I have a long day of eating and watching the new Muppet movie ahead of me.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


P.S.  Seph, I am thankful for your friendship and for encouraging me to overcome my blog fright.  <3


  1. Aww, thanks Abs. I'm thankful that I got to keep you in my life, because you are SO very important to me.

    And yes, without the night routine, the mornings fall to shit, don't they?


  2. It's interesting, I've tried a little to do these routines that you speak of in the last week or two. And I've definitely found that the night routine is far more important for success in the morning. Even though I hate the night routine more because it takes more time and thought and feels like it's taking away from my "fun" time (blogging/reading/etc).

    The days where I actually put the effort in the night before went sooo much smoother for me, even if I didn't have a specific morning routine in place.
