
The Crazy Girls Guide to....SQUIRREL! Ahem...The Crazy Girls Guide to Staying Sane. Yeah, that's it.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Abby is a liar liar pants on fire!

I don't have a housework list ready for you today.  I loathe housework so much that I can't even list is.  It burns us!  So I played my Tap Ranch game on le smartphone.  Don't start it, it's addicting.
I have no motivation to do the boring things.  This is quite obvious to me and everyone else in my life.  How do you guys motivate yourselves to do that which you don't want to do?  People like my sister say, "I just do it."  This is not helpful.  Please do better than my sister.

Also, I love in the "about me" section of our blog Seph put the stuff about diet.  The acronym for the Standard American Diet is SAD.  So true (except on sushi day)!

Also also, I need some help figuring out the most efficient (meaning fastest) way to get housework done.  I know one of you is an expert, speak up please and thank you.

And finally, we are going to be switching up the posting days a bit.  We believe in quality over quantity, so we'll be posting 4 days instead of 7.  Our posts will be less often, however they will be an entire meal worth of awesome instead of a small yet delightful afternoon snack.  Seph will post on Thursday and Sunday, and I'll be posting Tuesday and Saturday.

Thank you and goodnight!


P.S.  My cat said hello, but I deleted it.
P.P.S.  This post is an example of what happens sometimes when I'm up past my medtime.
P.P.P.S.  I ate Bong Bong snacks today.  No, that's not me in the picture  They are delicious, which is good because I bought them only because of the name.  That could have gone very badly.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha I had a whole group therapy session last year where I complained about those "I just do it" answers. THIS IS NOT HELPFUL SHUT UP.

    Here's the thing I learned. If you can force yourself to START, you have done the hardest part.

    I had a friend who finally gave me a concrete tip. She set a timer for 10 minutes. She said "I will work for 10 minutes, 10 minutes is not long I can do that" Half an hour? Sounds too long so you don't start. But 10 minutes? sure.

    And then the alarm goes off, and you are in the middle of something, and you want to finish it for some reason. It tricks your brain.

    Then she would set another timer for 10 minutes and do the same thing. If she worked for 10 minutes and really felt like she was watching the clock the whole 10 minutes then she didn't set a timer but gave herself two hours off.

    It worked wonders for me for my dissertation work, once I actually STARTED doing it, it wasn't so bad to just keep going.
