All right y'all, I suppose I should be politically correct and say Happy Thanksgiving. So, um, Happy Thanksgiving? For me it was pretty much just another day, I'm home, I did laundry, I studied for my test, I failed my morning routine, and I ate whatever I happened to have in the house.
What else did I do today? Hours upon hours of research on blenders. Yes, blenders.
Why? Because I am about to foray into the world of Green Smoothies. (How do you make a green smoothie?)
I have done a ton of research, on a ton of sites. I am following The Green Smoothie Blog and I bought the book Green Smoothie Revolution. Green Smoothie Girl seems to have a ton of information too, though I haven't gotten as familiar on her site yet.
Now, because greens are tough and fibrous, they are hard on the common blender. If you go searching, almost everyone will point you to Vita Mix or Blendtec for blenders.
Raise your hand if you are reading this and can afford one of those blenders...great, now buy ME one, kthx!
Seriously though, $400 - $500 is a ton to spend on a blender, especially for a lifestyle I haven't even officially committed to yet, but don't get me wrong, I've been a Vita Mix fan my whole life, and I finally convinced my dad to buy one about 15 years ago. I do believe they are the best out there, caveat being that I haven't tried Blendtec yet.
Here is a video comparing the two, narrated by a guy with a very sexy accent.
And a side by side written comparison.
But what if you can't afford one of these beasts?
This readers, is what I've spent hours and hours researching. So, basically, you want to find a blender that is at least 1000 horsepower, and that has a blade system strong enough to crush ice into snow. Sound vague? Well, I am not one to leave you hanging. After all the results were in, best bang for the buck seems to be the Kitchen Aid KSB560
I was so convinced by the merits of this blender that I ordered one this afternoon, about 15 minutes before my dad called to wish me Happy Thanksgiving...
(If you did NOT guess that it was my dad, then you are not paying attention.)
So, I canceled my order from Amazon, and now I'm waiting on pins and needles for my dad to ship the Vita Mix.
I won't be starting the green smoothies until I have it, or something at least better than my pathetic little hamilton beach I'm using right now.
Besides, I'm still working on this whole routine thing. This morning totally didn't work, but luckily I have physical therapy tomorrow which will force me to get up on time.
OK y'all, hope you all had a safe and tasty holiday, free from family drama or other strife.
See you on Saturday,
****This post was not sponsored by any of the companies or bloggers linked above, all links and recommendations are based on my personal research. I am an amateur and a beginner, and make no health or medical claims via this post. Dietary changes should be made at your own risk and/or with guidance from your doctor, dietician, or otherwise qualified individual.****
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