
The Crazy Girls Guide to....SQUIRREL! Ahem...The Crazy Girls Guide to Staying Sane. Yeah, that's it.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Abby - The nightly routine results are in!

I finally timed my nightly routine.  Victory is mine!  Here are my findings.

Pick tomorrow's outfit - 10 minutes 30 seconds
Gather all I need for the day into one place - 1 minute 15 seconds
Evening ablutions - 9 minutes 55 seconds
Put on pajamas - 1 minute
Pack lunch - N/A (Husband is making it for me this time)
Read - N/A (I will allot 30 minutes and set a timer)
Blog - About 15 minutes today, however I'll allot 1 hour, and do extra reading/net browsing if I get done early.

Evening routine total time: about an hour and 15 minutes + 15 estimated minutes to pack a lunch =
an hour and a half.

So, if I plan to be in bed by 11 PM,and I want to be up in the morning by 7 AM, then I need to start my routine at 9:30 PM.  I will also attempt to keep away from my netbook until designated blog time.  I lose track of time way too easily while on the internet.


  1. What is interesting to me is that timing the internet thing is a 2-sided coin. If you schedule it first you might lose track of time and get nothing done. If you keep it at the end, everything gets done but there's a risk of being on the internet all night Allie Brosh style. I used to have that problem before I went on Intuniv which pretty much forces me to sleep at night so I end up putting my laptop down and passing out.

  2. Abby here! Those are two very good points. I suppose it really comes down to knowing your own tendencies. In my case, I have huge issues with self-activation. I always want to do the fun stuff first, which obviously leaves little or no time for that which sucks. Like cleaning the bathroom, for instance. Blogging is fun, so I do it last. Not only is it my reward for getting ready on time, but since I do it in bed it's easy for me to shut down and sleep. It doesn't always work as planned though. For instance, I'm about to post my blog entry at 1 AM when I have to be up at 6 AM tomorrow. Why? Watching 30 Rock with my husband was more fun...and I did that first. DOH!

  3. I have the "doing the fun stuff first" problem too. I tried moving the fun stuff til the end, but yeah, then I do the crappy stuff and then start the fun stuff at 11 and end up being up until 4am reading and playing on the internet and still having to get up at 7, which sucks.

    So then I tried to implement a rule that says I do the crappy stuff first, and IF I am done with it THEN I can do fun stuff but only until midnight, then lights off no matter what. Which ... sort of worked -- I was getting sleep and getting "important" (read: crappy) things done, but I was never having time to do anything fun for myself, so I was miserable all the time. '

    There mush be a happy medium somehow!!
