I also have trouble completing projects once I've already figured out the challenging parts. I think I mentioned this in my last post, but I've slept since then. If I go read that post now I'll never come back and finish this one.
Boredom is misery. I don't know how to explain it so people without ADHD will really understand the depth of my hatred for boredom. I am still awake at 2 AM because laying in bed with the lights off is boring. I have finished one of four argyle golf club covers for my brother-in-law because the pattern isn't challenging after the first one. It was for his birthday...in February. There is a knitting project and a book in my purse in case I get bored. I also carry a tote bag everywhere I go with extras. The normal things people do every day, such as laundry and cleaning I don't so often because they are, you guessed it, boring. My medication definitely helps me focus, but it doesn't do squat for motivation. I need to change my habits.
I got a wonderful suggestion from Deanna on my last post (which is also mentioned in the book MALD, by the way) of setting a timer. I'm going to try this. Also, MALD suggests listening to music while I do these tasks, which I already tend to do. Another suggestion is to break the tasks into smaller pieces and switching between tasks to break the monotony, which would also go nicely with the timer idea. I'm going to apply these ideas to housework this week and report on Tuesday.
On a positive note, I've gotten really good at my routines! I even got up at 5:45 AM last Thursday to take my husband to work, got myself ready for my work and still had time for breakfast before getting to my job early. Hooray! This morning I had a hiccup when he mentioned that my outfit wasn't weather appropriate. I was 15 minutes late trying on 4 other things and not liking a single one. Annoying, but he was right. I need to check the weather. Indiana weather changes suck.
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