
The Crazy Girls Guide to....SQUIRREL! Ahem...The Crazy Girls Guide to Staying Sane. Yeah, that's it.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Persephone Posts From A Clean and Organized Home

I think it's kind of funny that Abby and I both have cleaning / organizing on the brain this weekend.

The slight difference being that I am not too proud to beg for and/or buy help when I get completely overwhelmed.

I have some major schedule changes that take effect tomorrow morning - schedule changes where living in the chaos that was my apartment would become untenable. 

My apartment was, to say the least, overwhelming.

I hired a good friend of mine to tackle the living room, kitchen, and office.

I took care of the bathroom and assisted with the above - which took from 1pm yesterday until nearly 9pm last night.

This still left two major things for today - the laundry (aka Mt. Washmore) and cleaning the master bedroom.  Left alone this could have taken me the entire day - it usually does.

However, another good friend met me this morning - we went grocery shopping (random, I know) and then she tackled the laundry issue with a vengeance. 

By 3pm it was pretty much all washed/dried/put away, and the master bedroom is clean w/ fresh new sheets on the bed. 

In the middle of that I managed to make us lunch and get stuff in the Crockpot for dinner which smells heavenly right now.

The last thing I have to do to get prepared for "the great May experiment" is to get all of my schedules written for the week and assemble my binder.

Then I need to follow my night routine and set myself up for success in the morning. 

Wish me luck?


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